Happy Winter Solstice // POTD 21.12.21

December 21st is the darkest day of the year. If you are in the northern hemisphere each day we get through in the fall is shorter than the last. The 4pm sunsets can be a real drag. But after today, incrementally, each day we get a bit more light than the last.

We’ve got some brighter days ahead.

Throwback Thursday: WA Magazine Feature

Back in August I was featured in a Canadian arts magazine called WA Magazine. The issue was called “COVID-19: A Documentation of the Canadian Experience” and it featured artists, photographers and writers work that pertained to the pandemic. I shared a few of my photos and wrote a little bit about my experience working at a hospital throughout COVID-19. If you are interested in checking out the magazine you can download or order a copy HERE.

Respiratory Therapist Week 2021 // POTD 08.11.21

I spent an afternoon on one of the intensive care units at Trillium Health Partners to gather some images for Respiratory Therapist Week. RT’s plays an integral role in caring for patients with COVID-19. It is amazing to watch these teams work together to care for their patients.

COVID-19 Vaccine Q&A: Pregnancy

Been neglecting my media feed for a bit. It’s been a busy two months for me. I’ve recently moved into a new house and have been juggling work and life as well. I have a backlog of photos and videos I want to share. I’m going to start with a video from a Q&A I did with the Medical Director, Women’s Health at Trillium Health Partners. This was an interesting and informative series. Nothing too exciting about the videography here, but I did like the way the opening graphic looks, so here it is!

I’ve got a lot more content to share from the last little while, so be sure to come back and check it out!

Mississauga's first mass COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic Closes

I had the opportunity to document UTM's mass vaccinations clinic operations from when it started to when it closed. It was a really amazing thing to be a part of. I think this will be a moment that I'll look back on fondly.

Something really special about this day was getting to spend time with the staff who ran this clinic throughout its lifecycle. They were playing slideshows of the images I took at the clinic. The staff were gathered around reminiscing about their experience. It’s moments like this that are really special for me as a photographer. To be able to capture photographs of these milestones is such a privilege. I made sure to share the images with everyone I could so they would have something to look back on from their time working at the clinic. For the staff who worked and shared memories I hope these images and videos age like a fine wine.