Canon Sure Shot A1 review cont'd: Colour shots

Here are a few colour shots taken with the Canon Sure Shot A1 using Kodak Portra 400 film. For more shots from the Canon Sure Shot as well as some personal thoughts on the camera, click HERE.

SUMMER '16 (on FILM)

Summer has officially come and gone. It always feels like summer goes by way too fast here in the prairies. I'm happy to say that I feel made the best of this summer. I explored so much of Manitoba that I hadn't seen before. From Caddy Lake to Churchill, I saw more of the province than I'd ever thought I'd have the opportunity to.

I didn't get out with my DSLR as often as I did last summer. In some ways this was okay. Even though I love to shoot, it's sometimes really great to just live a moment and not have to worry about shooting it. For about a month this summer I carried around an old (expired) disposable Kodak camera instead of my cumbersome camera kit. It was a nice way to pack light and still capture moments from the summer. Very little thought required, just point and click.

I had this film developed and I'm happy with the results. Here is a selection of my favourite shots from this Kodak.


Chasing Sunsets

Faux 70's

Flying at the Lake

Nopiming Sunset